Law Offices
of Benedict Schwarz, II PC
♦ Divorce ♦ Family Law ♦ Mediation ♦ Custody ♦ Child Support ♦ Adoption
Mediation is the process by which a neutral third party aids two conflicting parties to promote settlement or compromise. Mediation is an effective tool for resolving almost all civil (non-criminal) disputes. Mediation provides disputing parties with the opportunity to identify and cope with interpersonal issues not originally thought to be part of the dispute. In this respect, the mediation process allows parties to grapple with matters that a formal court of law may deem either irrelevant or inappropriate.
The Law Offices of Benedict Schwarz, II can provide mediation services to both spouses. Benedict Schwarz, II is a Court Approved mediator in both Kane and McHenry Counties with over 400 hours experience. He helped initiate mediation in Kane County, Illinois and was invited by the presiding Judge of the Family Division of McHenry County to aid in establishing court approved mediation in that county as well.
In the area of family law, the mediator is either a lawyer or a therapist. Lawyers acting as mediators do not represent the individual parties, so it is always wise to consult with a lawyer prior to engaging in mediation so you can understand the issues in your case and the process a court would follow.